Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lynda Carter has moved on. Why can't you!?

Okay, I GET IT!!! Lynda Carter made a good Wonder Woman...albeit on an average to crappy tv show over 30 years ago, but she DID make a fine Princess Diana.

HOWEVER, even Lynda Carter herself is aware that she is NOT the only actress who can play the role. And when she says that, it's not because she's a lovely woman being gracious. It's because LYNDA CARTER IS NOT THE ONLY ACTRESS WHO CAN PLAY THE ROLE! Apparently Lynda is vastly more rational than her rabid, cult like worshippers.

Look, let it go...Lynda is never going to play Wonder Woman again. And if you all stay say obsessed with no one ever being able to do the role justice other than Lynda we may not get to enjoy a live action Wonder Woman again and frankly I...and Lynda Carter would like to see a live action depiction of the character again.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Birds of Prey line work

My latest line work.

How Does She Not Pop Out of Her Top!?

So this is a long standing question that has plagued comic readers and comic book heroines for decades. Fans, intellectuals, philosophers, feminists...basically everyone has pondered this topic; pondered, argued, discussed, theorized, debated...well, I HAVE THE ANSWER!!!

How do comic book heroines, who are very often in skimpy costumes, not pop out of their tops when engaged in strenuous, fast paced and extreme action scenes? (Especially Wonder Woman...Wonder Woman is almost always the primary example given...Poor Wonder Woman.)

Well, brace yourself, because here is the definitive answer...These women, especially Wonder Woman, do not fall out of their tops because...

The artists drawing these women don't draw them popping out of their tops!!!

See, they're not real, these women. They're fictitious characters and when discussing practicality in conjunction with characters that can lift mountains...well, that's pretty much the definition of "oxymoron".

Even when put into live action situations these costumes still stay up. We've all watched as Wonder Woman has run, fought, jumped to great heights, sword fought...and not once did she pop out of her costume. Remember that little Lynda Carter series...or even the Adrianne Palicki pilot that's now all over the internet? Clearly the costume can keep Wonder Woman's considerable attributes contained because we've seen it happen.

So an addendum to the "The artists drawing these women don't draw them popping out of their tops!!!" would be; They don't pop out of their tops because...they just don't.

There ya go...ages old mystery solved. Can we move on to something else now?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Kiani on Ocean Floor.

An example of my earlier art with colors by my husband...

An Actual Smart Person Online...

So, my husband started art school and in his first class was told that all professional artists have blogs...So here I am. I'm not entirely sure I understand the purpose of a blog just to showcase art without editorials and opinions so you can expect those here as well. I'm not sure where this is going to go but I guess we'll find out together...So let's begin...